Brown Bag Community Project
Brown Bag Community Project
By: Vishnu Boggala

On May 20th 2017, I went to The Brown Bag Ministry. I helped pack about 1000 brown bags to give to the homeless. Each group of putting the food in the bags had a certain amount of bags you had to pack. The group I was in packed 112 brown bags. We filled it with a sandwich, cheese balls, and a dessert. In the group that I was in we decided to split into 2 teams. One team's job was to get all the items to pack and the other team was putting all the food in. There were 12 groups doing this. The rest of the people were making the sandwiches and putting the dessert and snacks in the bag. The job I did was getting all the items for my group to pack. This was fun and I felt happy that I’m helping out the community.
I spent about 2 hours there that weekend from 9 to 11. When went I there I picked the table that sends the food to either Durham or downtown Raleigh. But on May 20th I helped out on packing food to Durham. At first I was really scared because everyone there was older than me so I thought that no one would include me or they might be fine without me. But I was wrong, and they needed me to get the supplies.
I went to the Brown Bag Ministry again on May 27th 2017. I did the same job as the last time I went there except we packed different foods and 150 brown bags. They told us to split the 150 into 2 groups of 75. Also, we had to add different food in each 75. In one part we put a sandwich, pretzels, a dessert, and fruit. In the other part we added everything in first except the sandwich.
Once again I loved going to The Brown Bag Ministry and helping out. It is really nice to do something fun, and while doing that you’re helping the community. I really enjoyed going and I’m probably going to go next week also.