My Day Mute

I think my day mute was extremely hard. There were lots of times when I was tempted to talk, and sometimes I did talk! This is my day mute.
So first off, I have started to be mute on Wednesday, May 10th, 2017. I was really nervous people would be like "Asiyah, why are you not talking?" and "Did you loose your voice?" But I didn't, and I knew that. I got sometimes distracted and forgot I couldn't talk so talked a few times that morning. Soon, I got to school. Though a lot of kids were confused, I was still happy.
Sometimes I got annoyed because no one new what I was talking about. But since it was also teacher appreciation week I did talk just to give my stuff to my teachers because I couldn't go through all that writing. I used a boogie board to communicate. A boogie board is a board that you would use to draw or write.
I appreciate that I have a voice and I can talk, I think I learned self-discipline when I was mute for a day.