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Volunteering at the Walk and Roll­-a-thon

(EXCERPT) I am testing for my 2nd degree, level 4 black belt. As my community service project, I volunteered at the Walk and Roll­athon on April 30, 2016. The Walk and Roll­athon is an annual walk hosted by the Brain Injury Association of North Carolina. It is designed to be a fundraiser for the association, as well as a fun activity for people supporting or in need of the cause.

The Brain Injury Association of North Carolina ­ BIANC ­ is a non­profit association that helps survivors of brain injury, and strives to prevent further injuries. They also give assistance to the families of the survivors. The BIANC knows that brain injury can happen to anyone at any time, and it is their belief that every injury can and should be helped. They provide the resources people need, and they host seminars and events, like the Walk and Roll­athon, to raise money and educate the public.

On my way home I thought about what I had learned from this experience. I had no idea how many people were affected by brain injury. The Brain Injury Association estimates that somewhere around 196,000 North Carolinians are affected. The BIANC helped a lot of them with this fundraiser, but they could not have done that if the community had not stepped up to help. Without all the volunteers, the event would have been much harder to run. I realized that community is one of the most important TaeKwonDo tenets, because without it, big goals are extremely difficult to achieve. Being a student at the Johnson’s TaeKwonDo school has helped me get more involved in my community, and I will continue to be a part of it.

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