Special Olympics Charity Break-A-Thon and Class

Johnson's Tiger-Rock Martial Arts

204 Davis Grove Cr Ste 104

Cary, North Carolina 27519

(919) 469-5555

Press Release- July 23, 2016

The students of Johnson's Tiger-Rock Martial Arts are hosting a BOARD BREAK-A-THON to benefit the Special Olympics of North Carolina. The event will be held on August 24th at 6pm at the academy. The students are busy completing their pledge forms on which people in our community pledge a dollar amount per board that the student breaks within 10 seconds. Donations are also accepted. Please make checks payable to Special Olympics of NC.

Johnson's will also be hosting a fun and engaging 30-minute class at 7pm for all Special Olympic Athletes. Please R.S.V.P. with Melissa Johnson.

Johnson's is a school dedicated to empowering students of all ages through martial arts and fitness. Run by husband and wife team, Melissa and Bryson Johnson, the academy has been participating in community events for the last decade in Cary, North Carolina.

In the Spirit of Community,

Johnson's Tiger Rock Martial Arts

#charity #specialolympics #taekwondo #boardbreaking #communityservice
