How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci

How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci


Sharing the same name as this blog post, How to think like Leonardo da Vinci is a book by Michael J. Gelb which serves as an instructional manual of sorts for people seeking da Vinci's kind of genius. Granted, genius like this doesn't come around that often, and if it was that easy, well...each of you would have read the book already. However, Gelb states that everyone has capabilities and potential that are left untapped, and his book simply assists in this process.


Gelb talks a bit about goal setting. A clever little acronym, S.M.A.R.T. will assist anyone in the process of goal setting and achievement.


S pecific - To ensure that you achieve some real results, you must be specific as to what you really want to do.

M easurable - Decide how you will measure your progress and to know when you have achieved your goal.

A ccountability - You must have someone that you will lean on to ensure that you stay on track.

R ealistic and Relevant - It is admirable to have lofty goals. Do not set yourself up for failure though by making your goals insignificant to you or too unattainable.

T imeline - Have a time frame that will help keep you on a course for success.


Be S.M.A.R.T in your goal setting and achievement to make this a record year for your health, fitness and well-being.

#goals #essay
